Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Wonder of Women


    Women are a mystery to men because we were made from man, but are completely separate beings.  We have our own mind, opinions, feelings, and more that men may just not understand.  Adam names Eve after she was made from him, but he never had control over her. She was her own person.  They loved each other and influenced each other, but they were their own people.
    The wonder of women is our position in the world.  We facilitate humanity.  We are the ones that shape the social world.  It is part of our multitasking mind set.  Women are the glue to the family.  We hold things together.  Women support their husbands, so that they can be strong.  We sacrifice a lot of the attention to the men, but the reward is knowing that we did the right thing.
    In today's society you see that most stores are run by women.  That is because we are natural multitaskers.  We were made for that because we were made to be the manager of our homes.  We have strong influence on those in our lives because they see what we do.  They don't see everything, but they know that we make it seem seamless when it really requires a lot of work.
    Women need to use these natural gifts in every aspect of their lives.  We need to desire to be relatable.  We need to keep it real and face the reality when the people around us may not be able to do that.
    Mary was the mother of Jesus.  She was human, but gave birth to God in the flesh.  God the father blessed Jesus with a human mother because mothers are a blessing.  Being a mother is the best compliment to being a woman.  However, if you do not have any biological children, it is okay.  
    You can be a mother to the neighborhood.  You can be a mother to animals and seek to protect the world around you.  Being a mother is not necessarily biological.  There is nothing wrong with a woman that does not have a child.  However, children are a badge of honor because it takes a miracle to give birth and keep a child alive.  Women are wonderful because we are unreplaceable.
    Women press through the mess.  Eve messed us.  She sinned by listening to Satan.  Then she influenced Adam to sin by giving him the fruit.  It was his choice to eat it.  She did not force him.  He was with her.  He had heard everything that Satan said.  In the moment he agreed.  It was a momentary decision that changed the fate of the world forever.  
    This one decision rooted sin in the world.  It was a big mistake, but neither one of them could take it back.  When confronted by God, neither showed a strong character, but neither had ever been challenged before.  When we were children, we were not strong in good character either. 
    Eve became strong.  She became determined to raiser her family to follow God.  She rose against her curse of cramps, periods, and painful labor.  She submitted to Adam as the head of the house becoming the first example of how to be a Godly woman.  She messed up, but she learned from her mistake.  
    She loved Adam even after he disrespected her by throwing her under the bus to God by blaming her for his actions.  When her family fell apart because one son killed another son, she kept going.  She trusted God with resolve.  She turned obstacles into opportunities.  She learn, changed, and rose up to find solutions or just keep moving with God.  He rewarded her with more children, so that she could have a family and populate the world.
    Women were created to be resilient and strong.  We have meaning and purpose in the world.  Women can feel shame and alone.  The world can try to distort our self-image where we no longer can see God in us.  Satan may put doubt in our mind.  However, if we chose to follow Jesus, then all that can be conquered.  
    Eve ran and hid after she sinned.  That is a natural reaction.  We have to fight that natural reaction to stand firm and face the consequences of our sin.  God loved Adam and Even enough to seek them out even though He knew why they were hiding.  God is still seeking us out today.  
    He seeks to give our relationship meaning and purpose.  He has met you over halfway.  Be a strong woman and meet Him that small portion by learning and following His standards.  Live a virtuous life that publicly praises God.  Chose to follow Jesus to a better place and to be a better woman than you were without Jesus.

Genesis 2:22-3:20, Proverbs 31:10-31, Titus 2:3-5, & Hebrews 11:13-16

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