Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Express Yourself


    Your heart is the core of who you are.  It will find a way to express itself, so you might as well be honest about how you feel about things.  If you try to suppress of control it, it will find a way through.  It comes down to how you think.  If you feed your mind and thoughts with healthy, loving, and holy things, then what comes out of your mouth will be good.  If you feed your mind toxic and unhealthy things, then your words will be rude, insulting, and hateful.
    We all need to work on how we think.  We can destroy ourselves if we listen to all the toxicity of the world.  If we feed our mind on only the negative, mostly perceived negative, from the world, then we will never be able to see our value in being a personalized creation of God.  We have to get rid of that evil thought process to be able to hear all the good that the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you.  He is the only one that can show you just how beautiful you are on the inside and out.
    Examine your mind.  Are you confused about some things?  If so, what?  Then go to the Bible and research it.  Is your mind too cluttered? What do you need to do to be able to focus?  Is your mind clogged?  That just means that you need a detox, so figure out what you need to get rid of and do it.  Is your mind on the cardinal world?  Are you coachable?  Are you critical?  If you are stuck in the critical find things to be grateful for or search for the good.  Otherwise you are leaving yourself open for a humbling experience.  Is your mind God focused?
    What do you think about all day?  What is your first though in when you wake?  Is is positive or negative?  What are you thinking about when you go to bed?  That is a good indicator on what your mind is focused on.  If you are clogged, then that means you are feeding your insecurities, dishonest with yourself (and others), rebellious, immoral, fearful, or a jealous socialist.  It means you are stuck in the cardinal and need a deep clean.
    What clouds your mind?  Selfishness is the first things that will put you in a fog where you can't see your spiritual reality.  A clouded mind is an unhappy mind.  It can get stuck in the negative and not be able to find it's way out without help.  The first things you need to do is turn to God and then think about changes that you can make to get you back on track?  
    If you grew up and never escaped the unhappy mindset, then turn to God.  He will help you figure out changes.  He may ask big things or he may lead you through the process slowly.  It depend on who you are and your relationship with Him.  It can start with a hair cur that makes you feel better.  A hair cut can be a physical manifestation of cutting away the past and having a fresh start. 
   Change is the only way to improve your mindset, but it doesn't have to be physical change all the time.  It could be a move.  It could be changing jobs, church, or friend group.   It could be what you watch, listen to, or read.  It could just be a change in what you do with your down time or making time for down time.  No matter what the change that the Holy Spirit directs will be personal.
    You are what you say.  You say what your heart believes.  You heart believes what you mind tell it.  Your mind directly affects your life for good or evil.  Stop thinking evil like you are unimportant, not smart, ugly, useless, and so many more evil lies.  
    Feed your mind things from Heaven, the truth found in the Bible.  Work our mind out daily. It is a muscle.  If you want to think holy thoughts, then you have to work at it.  Don't assign yourself to the prison of the evil mindset.  Instead, never stop praying.  Never stop communicating with God.

Proverbs 18,  Ephesians 4:25-27, Colossians 3:1-11, & 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19

1 comment:

  1. Sis, is your blog about thinking or expressing yourself?


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