Sunday, March 10, 2024

Faith Fail


    It is when you are on the brink of receiving God's blessings that it waiting becomes hardest.  People are impatient and that impatience can cause you to fail in our faith.  It is when you decide to take things into your own hands that you fail in faith. Another faith fail is when you think God is not there or doesn't care and give up.  The worst thing you can do is turn away from God because you are hurting yourself more than anyone else.
    A good testimony story is a story where you face your fear to be obedient to God.  The other aspect is when you are confronted you fail in your faith by not trusting God in the trial, challenge, or conquering temptation.  It starts with how you thing.  You have to shed some of the world thinking, so that the Holy Spirit can teach you universal truths about life, death, and everything in between.
    We all need boundaries.  In life there are people that we have to turn away from for our own self preservation, but that does not mean you give up on them.  You pray and trust God to take care of their heart and soul.  Pray that God pursues them relentlessly.  It is only a failure if you walk away and forget about them.  They are God's creation too, so you need to love them in that aspect at the very least.
    Distorted thinking will cause you to fail in your faith.  God's way is the best way, but almost never the easiest path.  To follow Jesus is to be more than willing, but almost wanting, the hardships that he faced to become holy and righteous.  You have to change how you see the world and think about things.  It will make you stand out and sometimes it makes you a target to people.
    Once you start transforming your mind through your time in God's Word and prayer, you have to be protective of your mind.  You cannot live a faithful life if you do not dedicate your mind to God.  It is part of the maturing in your faith.  You will learn how to bless others or thank God in the hard times.  
    Your mind thought process is revealed by how you talk and act.  Satan is watching and listening.  If you are faithful and proclaim Jesus' name with strong faith, then Satan will flee.  If it is just words, then he will overtake you and reveal your weakness to the world.  
    Do not let fear dictate how you think and act.  Don't let your life discomfort lead you to complain or rebel because God's path is too overwhelming.  He is traveling with you and carrying most of the burden.  Do not stir up discord or discouragement in other people.  If you do, then you have failed in your faith.
    Christians sometimes back slide.  That means that they have a real and true relationship with God, but they have allowed sin to re-enter their lives.  That is a faith fail, but it is also typically a part of the maturing process.  
    You have to realize that you are not perfect, but still an adopted child of God.  Sometimes you have to be sifted to become something more than what you were before.  Pray that your faith does not fail you and you become the person God intended.
    You belong to Him even if you don't do everything right.  It is important to realize and repent as quickly as possible because the further you drift from God the harder it is to get back on track.    No one is worthy or deserving of salvation, but you get it by God's grace.  Accept the gift and work on maturing your faith through Jesus.

Genesis 12:10-20, Numbers 14:1-12, Luke 22:31-38, & John 20:24-29

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