Friday, March 8, 2024

Freedom of Obedience


    Obedience is a choice.  The choices you make comprise your life.  All choices lead to outcomes and before you know it, you have created a map of your life.  You find freedom in choosing to be obedient because it takes a lot o the stress off your shoulders.  Obedience to God is a choice, but it leads to a life of many benefits.
    You find freedom in obedience when you see the benefits of following God over comfort.  Comfort is on of the biggest stumbling blocks that most of us face.  We may not struggle with what the Christian world considers real sin like sexual sin, drugs or other addictions, cheating, or similar, but it is one that will destroy your relationship with God without you even noticing.
    If you are willing to be obedient to God's simplest commands, then you may be surprised by seeing the power He holds in giving you the benefits.  It can be simple like earning people's respect, honor, or other perks, but it could lead to changes in life circumstances too.  Trust that God always has a superior plan, like when He had Moses part the Red Sea.
    If the Hebrews had not been obedient to God, then they would have ended up back into slavery or worst.  It took the bold act of obedience to find their freedom.  I would say hard fought, but God had done all the fighting.  He did things that were beyond imagination to make a point for the world to know Him and affirm His people that He had them.
    You can claim to love and trust God, but unless you are willing to be obedient, then it is just words.  It may be difficult to be still in the quiet and trust him while you are waiting, but you have to be preparing during this time.  This is when you get strong in prayer, learning God's Word, physically, emotionally, and other areas that you may see fatigue or weakness.  You have to be ready to move because when God does put things into motion it typically happens very quickly.
    Sometimes to be obedient, you have to be still.  That is very hard especially in a culture that is nonstop go.  It can be hard to even sleep, but rest is a command from God.  You have to learn how to set boundaries and find healthy rest to be obedient.  It is when you are still that God can give you new revelations.  You don't always have to be fixing things, cleaning, or perfect.  It is better to surrender all the burden to God and watch Him work on your behalf.
    The biggest mistake that will steal your freedom is to look at life through the worlds perspective.  God has a very different perspective and if you start following the world, then you are working against God.  Pray over your life perspective and wait until you can see it through God's eyes.  After all, how can you obey God if you don't even know how?  You have to invest yourself into Him for it to work.
    When you have questions on which direction to take, take time to be still and ask God.  He will direct you.   He is clearing your path, so that it will not be so scary, intimidating, or overwhelming.  This is why obedience leads to freedom.  You are on the path designed for you and it has help and rescues along the way.  Your own way can lead to real danger and it will be weighed down by sin.

Exodus 14, Isaiah 1:18-20, Colossians 3:18-21, & Hebrews 5: 7-10

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