Thursday, March 7, 2024

Thanksgiving for Freedom


    God is always faithful.  He always provides for His people.  Before the great escape from Egypt, He had his people cook food a certain way.  It became part of the celebration tradition throughout history, but it also holds purpose.  Bitter food removes cravings.  They would able be able to endure the great escape without becoming weak from hunger.  Food without yeast will make a person healthier, more energetic, and have less food cravings.
    This generation of Hebrews had never experienced grandeur or wealth.  God had them collect things that would provide them with wealth while on the road.  God had provisions provided which would give the people comfort to enter the unknown.  Even if life is hard and bad, it can still be scary to enter the unknown.  The gifts of gold, silver, clothing, and similar things would help give comfort.
    They did not steal, beg, or intimidate the Egyptians to get what they needed.  God made it possible because there was no entitlement or greed in their heart.  They were willing to receive anything, so God made sure they got it in abundance from willing Egyptians.  
    God is always present to guide His people.  Once salvation entered the world the Holy Spirit became a permanent resident in each Christian's soul for that purpose.  God takes the time to personalize each relationship, the least anyone can do is see it and be thankful.  You have to be willing to trust God to be able to follow Him.    
    God's people had been slaves for about 400 years, so when He provided provision, a leader, and appeared to them in the form of a cloud they were ready to follow.  They had seen and experienced His power.  They had no doubt that He was real and there for them (not against them).  God stayed in form of a cloud day and night.  At night the cloud held fire, so they could still see.
    The refugees followed Moses.  They learned began to learn God's Word.  Most had not even learned their heritage and now good they had had it when they first entered Egypt.  They were learning how to hope.  They trusted Moses to relay God's Word appropriately without changing it to suit his own purpose.  For the most part he did right by God and the people.  He led them to make dedications out of thanksgiving to God: their first born (human and animal)  Humans were set apart and the animals were sacrificed.
    Today we can still use this story with application.  We have knowledge and God provides wisdom.  We can have faith without all the pain.  We don't have to face judgment to choose to follow God.  Judgment will come one day eventually, but isn't it better to follow God now and be redeemed from the judgement.
    One thing we do have in common with the these people is that we have to fight doubt, fear, and frustration.  Doubt will always pop up in the mind of an intelligent person.  You have to use scripture and trust to push it away and keep it away.  The world is a scary place and things rarely go as planned.  You have to trust God to stay calm and keep your peace.  
    When you feel trapped, thank God for what He has done in your life up to this point.  Tell Him that you trust that He will get you through this too and believe it.  Claim it as a part of who you are.  Claim God's promises to give them power in your life.  Build your faith by trusting God in what you do not understand.  Seek reason, but be okay if one does not come.  God gives you detours for your own good.
    Do not give into temptation to blame other or God for where you are at.  God has a purpose and if you are following His purpose, then He will not abandon you.  If your time is up, then it is just your time, but you are not trapped.  If you are Christian, then you are going home.  You have what it takes to break free from your slavery.  
You have God's might fighting with or for you.

Exodus13, Psalm 100, Romans 8:1-4, & Hebrews 13:15-16

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