Saturday, March 16, 2024

God Impacting You


    When God is impacting your life, you are inspired to grow in character.  You are willing to listen to suggestions from other people that you respect, but the true growth comes from your relationship with God.  The Holy Spirit personalizes the grow and the steps that you need to take to meet you where you are right now.
    You know God is impacting your life when you start letting petty issues go.  You no longer make mountains out of mole hills.  The dramatic side of life no longer holds the same interest that it did before.  Petty things no longer hold importance in your life.
    You start with releasing grievances.  Grudges or bad feelings toward old history no longer hold power over you.  You understand that grudges turn into bitterness and you no longer want to be bitter.  Bitterness turns all the good in your life acidic.  It kills all your joy, so you reject it to find peace which brings life back into your life.
    When you are building your character to be more like God, you start restraining your words.  You have the freedom of speech, but that does not mean you always have to utilize it.  Jesus shows us that there is power in words, so if you want people to listen to what you have to say you need to be selective with how you use your words.  Stop and think about how your words are going to sound to the listener.  There is power in silence when it is used for good.
    One of the most important factors on your character is the renewing of your mind.  Your mind is in a spiritual battlefield every day.  It needs to be refreshed in Gods word, meditation on the Word, and through prayer.  This is the most beneficial aspect of God impacting your life.  
    When you are focused in God's Word your mind is saturated in purity.  It drives out impurities and reveals hidden ugly things about you.  Satan does not want your eyes opened to his disceptation, so he will fight you on this.  He will make it hard to focus, find the time, or even be motivated.  He will throw every distraction at you to keep you away from building your relationship with God.  
    If you reject Satan's attempts to keep you away from God and focus on your relationship with God, then you will find refreshment and all the benefits that come with that like strength of character.  Take a good look at your life.  Count your blessings.  Open your eyes to the blessings you have been overlooking.  
    Give your attitude a refreshed outlook.  Push impatience away and enjoy watching nature and God working around you right now.  It will change your life and people around you will notice how God is impacting you.

Proverbs 18: 20-21, 1 Corinthians 10: 12-13, Ephesians 4:25-32, Philippians 4:6-9, & Colossians 4:2-6

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