Saturday, April 13, 2024

Family of Jesus


    Jesus is the developer of families.  The triad come together as one.  They work and function as one because they know what their roles are.  There is no confusion.  There is unity, love, respect, strength, and power.  If human families could come together in the same way, then they would have unity, love, respect, support, and power in God's strength.
    Jesus' human family consisted of a young mother that never had any sexual introductions until after his birth.  That way she was 100% holy throughout her pregnancy.  That means that Jesus was not touched by any sin until after his birth and even then, he never allowed it to affect him.
    Jesus then had siblings to grow up and play with.  They were instrumental in his childhood, but at the same time there was always a difference between him and the others.  You know this because his siblings always seemed to be together if ever mentioned and Jesus was not a part of that group.  They loved him, but not one believed he was God until after his resurrection.  They probably resented him because he was set apart and they didn't truly understand why.
    Jesus had a step father that treated him like a real son.  Joseph loved God so much that he honored God's design.  He married a woman that was pregnant and it was not his.  He had a lot to accept.  Then after they were married, he still was not with her sexually until after the post pregnancy healing process.  He was a good Christian man.  Not much is said about him probably so that his role would not defer from God's role as Jesus' father.  It is believed that Joseph died young since he was never with Mary when she came to Jesus throughout his ministry.
    When Mary became pregnant she was engaged to Joseph, but they were not formally married.  An engagement back them was the same as married, but living with your parents and getting ready to live together.  Then one day the groom would come and get his bride.  That is when they would formally be married.  
    The engagement was a formal business like contract.  To do anything to go against that contract could cost a person their life.  Mary becoming pregnant before the official marriage would be considered proof of adultery.  Joseph could have had her stoned to death, but instead he chose to obey God and love her.
    Jesus was not made by a man's sperm.  Mary did not cheat on Joseph.  It was a holy conception that had never happened before or since.  It was as miraculous as when God created Adam and Eve.  All pregnancies are a miracle if you understand the process of what the sperm has to accomplish to fertilize an egg, so Jesus' conception was a huge miraculous event.
    The conception, birth, and family of Jesus provides revelation on the family of God.  It is the divine connecting with reality.  It defines history in a holy and miraculous manner.  To deny it is to deny all that makes a family precious.
    Joseph had a role to play that could not be defined.  He had to have been afraid because he had no idea of what to expect.  If it was not for an angel to explain things to him, he could have easily just disappeared and made Mary deal with the miracle as if it were a disgrace.  She would never have found a husband after that.
    The conception and birth of Jesus was biologically impossible because people don't have the ability to conceive without a man's sperm and a woman's egg.  Some organism have the ability to produce life without the other sex, but not humans.  It was a miracle.  It is proof that nothing is impossible for God.  It shows the power of the Holy Spirit.  It teaches the importance of purity and holiness.  
    The family of Jesus is the foundation to the Christian faith.  It all started here.  Jesus loved his human family, but if they went against his Heavenly family, then he chose to stay aligned with God and the Holy Spirit.  We need to fight for our family to be in alignment with Jesus and our families will be healthy, obedient, and worship God as one.  
    If our families reject God, then we need to make sure that we choose God's way over the people that reject Him.  If you are a Christian, then you are adopted into God's family.  It is your choice to act like a part of a powerful and holy family or reject it.

Numbers 18:15-25, Proverbs 22:6, Matthew 1:18-19, Mark 3:20-35, Luke 8: 19-21, & John 7:1-9

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