Life is not all you me. Life is not all about you. It is about what God has done and what we can do. You need to look at the bigger picture and not get stuck in your own orbit. You are able to help so many people: foreigners, people that do not know God, and your fellow Christian.
When you became a Christians and began to follow Jesus, you were anointed by God to serve in this world. You did not need anyone else to anoint you. It was not up to man to give you your cause. It was all from God. He can use anyone He chooses and He chose you for your purpose. People don't get a say in the matter.
Use holy judgment when maneuvering in this unholy world. God will always be a mystery, but he put boundaries upon Himself, so that you can know Him as well as you do. I am interested in knowing if He will stay restrained once the final battle is over and all followers of Jesus are in Heaven. He shows His power to pagans and Christians alike. The question is do you recognize it when He displays His power?
King Jehu succeeded King Ahab. God exalted him for a purpose. He exalts and lifts up whomever He chooses. When He is ready He removed leaders. He is in control of all life events. Satan may have his hands in things, but that is only because God is allowing it for now. He allows it to give humans time to get their salvation right with Him.
Elisha was the prophet that succeeded Elijah. He was empowered by God to empower the followers of God. God still wants you to empower your fellow believers in your life by embracing your calling and helping them discover their own calling. The Christian journey doesn't end there. You help each other strengthen and grow by being involved in each other's lives.
You will never be able to see the whole big picture, but you can see beyond your own life. You can see God's hand in things. You can see how you can help or change things, if you are willing. Be content with being a part of the bigger picture.
Thank God for the wisdom and strength that He has given you. Never stop asking Him questions that will help you in your calling and bring you closer to Him, so you can be settled in your heart and soul.
You don't need to be in the spot light all the time. You don't have to know the whole plan to do your part. Know that God is with you no matter what you face in life. When life gets hard go over the truth of God and the promises He has made to you. Accept what you do know and follow God faithfully in His glory.
Exodus 9:13-19, Psalms 48:12-14, Daniel 2:17-23, Habakkuk 1:5-11, Luke 14:25-35, & Ephesians 3:20-21
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