Life is not all about me. It is not all about you. It is not all about us. It is about Jesus. It is about accepting salvation. It is about discovering righteous judgment.
People are perplexed by our thought process and how it leads us to behave. People always think that they will get away with sin, but in reality it just is not true. We all think we are the exception, but Jesus was the only exception. He is the only person to ever live and not sin. He was successful because He is God in a human body. He is all human, but is all God at the same time. He is still alive in Heaven today in His same body.
There is not time for doubt. You can see all the evil in the world. You know the impact that it hold. The question is do you really believe that God is stronger? Do you believe that He is holding back His righteous judgment for our benefit? He will carry out His righteous judgment one day, but today we still have time to become the Christians that God made us to be.
We do not need to hold onto anger, vengeance, or vindictiveness. God is control of judgment. We can let go everything that destroys our soul, so that we can find life in Him. All we have to do is trust that He will take the best care of us. We need to pray for those that produce those feelings in us, so that they may find Jesus, but in the very least so we can release the emotions that would otherwise build a wall between us and God.
We can rest in the fact that God is in control. We can let go of the stress and anxiety of trying to control aspects of life that are impossible. We need to believe that righteousness will prevail and live a Holy life that starts with how we think and process life around us. Do not let sin that appears unpunished hurt your relationship with God. It may appear to have been forgotten, but I promise that God has not forgotten any of it.
Judgment day we will all face God and be held accountable for what we did, did not do, and thoughts that motivated us. When we aske for forgiveness, those sins are removed, but no one can think of every sin or motivation to be redeemed. That is why we can never be good enough to earn our way into Heaven. We have to accept that we need Jesus and that he is the only way to eternal peace.
Our lives are not all about right now. We are living today as if we are leaving tomorrow for our true eternal home. We live today as if we are going to meet God face to face at any moment. That means that we need to live holy, righteous lives so that we are not cutting it to the last second to make things right and probably missing the moment.
Eternity is a long time. It is beyond the human concept. We know that we need to be right with God, so that we can spend eternity with Him. The other option is eternity separated from God that will lead to an eternity worse than anything that will ever be fathomed by people. Eternity is not a joke. It is not something to mock.
To violate who God is will offend the Holy Spirit. If we offend Him, then He will never speak on our behalf to God. Anything said before salvation will be forgiven because we did not know God, but anything after will be accounted for on judgment day.
Instead of being angry with people who are not under the authority of God, we should pity them. We need to pray for them and do what we can to show them the eternal error that they are making while keeping an eye on our own salvation. The real battle is showing love and living like Jesus in a world that recognized violence as the way to justice. No one wins that way.
1 Kings 19:14-17, Psalm 37:7-9, Proverbs 23:17-18, Romans 6:5-11, & Ephesians 2:4-7
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