Friday, April 5, 2024

It's All About God's Glory


    Life is not all about me.  It is not all about you.  It is not all about us.  It is about what Jesus did and God's glory.  If you are a true Christian, then you are a part of God's family.  That means you hold an attitude of being a possession of God.  After all He did create you and it helps you to be humble enough to give God the glory for you life.
    Christians are reserved.  We live in this world, but we do not live as a part of this world.  If you are a true Christians, then you have been set apart to live a glorious life in God's name.  You get to see and experience so much and in return you give God the glory for all your experiences and life you get to live.  If you are able to do that, then you will discover that you are protected by God.  He places blessings in your life.  
    Satan can't touch your, your blessings, or penetrate God's protection without God's permission.  Satan can make the lives of his people seem appealing, but those false blessings are nothing in comparison in the way God chooses to bless your life.  All you have to do is believe.  Trust God in all aspects and watch Him work.
    Part of God's work that brings Him glory is His judgement.  It is not our place to judge, but we are to uphold His judgment.  That means to obey His commandments and boundaries.  We are to enforce what He has already declared in the way He described.  We are not to place personal judgment on ourselves or other people.  If we do, then we are guilty of sin too.  How you treat people, animals, and the world itself can wither bring God the glory or sin into your life.  You need to strive to live pure to be faithful to God.
    It sounds so easy, but it is not.  There is no way we can live in this world and not have any relationships with people that are not Christians.  We have relationships with "Christians" who do not live like Christians.  There is no way that it will not influence us in some way.  We need to make sure that we are spending more time with God than we are in the world of evil.  
    It is not easy to live as a true Christian all the time.  It is not easy to die to your own personal desires and wished to give God the glory all the time.  It is not easy to choose to love people that hate you.  It is not easy to try to consider where other people are coming from, so that you can love them like Jesus loves them.  That is why it is considered to be a living sacrifice to be a Christian. 
    God knows where you are right now.  He knows where you are physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally all the time.  He is not out to destroy you.  He wants you to be healthy.  You just have to do your part in the process.  Sitting and waiting is not the answer.  If you are waiting, then you need to be in prayer, scripture, and thinking.  Waiting with God is not being idol.  It is take full advantage of the time of rest that God has given you.  It is time to prepare to give God the glory for what is to come.
    To give God the full glory, you need to work with other true Christians.  You need to work in unity to become strong.  You were never meant to fight the spiritual world alone.  You will never succeed.  You have to work with God, his angels, and other Christians for it to be successful and bring Him glory.  This means when you go out to evangelize or make disciples, you should never do it alone.

Genesis 18:16-33, Psalm 8, John 1:14-15, 1 Corinthians 10:31-33, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. 1 John 3:1-3, & Revelations 4

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