Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Creationism Day 4: Part3


    God's solar system is a vast display of what He is capable of creating and His power.  He can do what He wants, but everything He created has a purpose to accompany it's beauty.  The sun, moon, and stars are meant to be a sign, give signals, and help navigation.
    The star of Bethlehem was a sign of the Messiah's birth.  Pagans use the stars for astrology or as deities.  That is unbiblical power given to God's creation.  It is wrong to worship what God created instead of the creator.  There is no power in the zodiac.  It is does not tell the future, but it does give you indications of season, planting, and weather.  
    There are no aliens that have ever been mentioned in the Bible.  If there are other living things outside of earth, then it doesn't matter.  It doesn't affect us.  It never will because God already told us how our world will end.  It is not good to read things into God's Word.  Pray over what you read and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth.  He will.
    God's vast solar system is impactful on perspective on time and life.  It is complex, vast, and immeasurable.  Each star is different like a snow flake or finger print.  Not one star is there by chance. God placed each one where He did for His design to be perfect.  He is the only one that knows exactly how many are out there and knows them all by name.
    All the stars are devoted to God.  This includes the sun.  God put all that into the stars, but people are more important to Him.  Can you try to imagine how much He put into you?  Or how important you are to Him?  Look at the stars and see how much you need redemption.  Life is so short, you don't have time to waste.  If His design of the solar system is so complex and perfect, then imagine how much more your personalized life map is planned out.  Think about your life and all God has done for you.

Genesis1:14-19, Psalm 147:1-6, Ecclesiastes 3:9-13, Romans 1:18-23, & Colossians 1:15-20

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