Thursday, July 11, 2024

Difficulties of Marriage


    Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman that is bonded by God.  It is a way of worship, living in unity, and never facing life alone.  However, marriage has been corrupted by Satan.  His goal is to destroy all that God created in and through mankind.  Marriage and family is the number one thing he attacks through corruption, perversion, and pain.
    Satan has a three stage strategy for temptation.  First he cast doubt on God's Word.  Then he denies God's word by manipulating it to try to give it a different meaning.  Lastly, he contradicts God's word to make you believe that it is not sin, bad, or evil.
    Satan baits people where they are weakest.  It is the area that we may not think that we are weak, blind to, or ignorant about.  He starts his attacks with lust.  He wants you to see something and take a second look.  He wants your thoughts to linger on that thing that is bad for you and your marriage.  The more you think about it and keep looking the more you allow him to build the pride in your heart.  Once Pride is established, then you no longer will thing that the thing that will destroy your marriage is bad.
    Marriage is difficult because we all have to fight the human nature that wants to listen to Satan.  It is compounded by unrepentance and trying to cover your sins.  You don't want to see it because it is pleasurable for a time, then it destroys everything you truly care about.
    God wants to bless you and your marriage, but if you give into sin then that will not happen.  Do not hide yourself.  To make your marriage work, you have to be transparent.  It is not easy because you are vulnerable.  Trying to evade consequences will only make the situation worse.  You have to grieve your sin.  
    Do not blame other people for the choices you have made.  It is better for you and your marriage to find the cleansing power of confession and repentance.  Blaming your spouse for your sins is destructive to the trust you had.

Genesis 3:1-21, Job 34:21-22, 1 Corinthians 7:1-11, & Revelations 12:7-9

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