Sunday, July 21, 2024

God in Church


    God is present at church because that is where His people are gathered in worship, prayer, and fellowship.  Paul loved the church.  He was an active participant.  He made it clear that there was no room for any of us to be passive.  His message was to the elders (deacons), overseers (leaders), and the shepherd of the church (pastor).
    Paul's message was simple: do not be deceived, protect the church, and display reception.  Everyone is welcome, but until you convert to Christianity (faithfully following Jesus), then you are not a member of the church.  We have to compare every teaching method to God's Word to make sure it is true and not allow people to come in and teach deception.  The point is build each other up while honoring the sacrifice Jesus made.
    Each member of the church needs to take heed of their own walk with God.  Examine your life to God's Word to see where you are weak, strong, and what is being convicted to change right now.  It is not the church leadership's job to do that for you.  Your faith is a personal relationship with God.  The preacher can't save you.  Only you can turn to God to find salvation.  You have to save yourself before you can lead others to Christ.
    Examine the doctrine that the pastor preaches at church.  If it is not Biblical, then it needs to be called out.  If it is one error, then discuss it and make sure it is not the root to something bigger.  If it is not sound doctrine in any case, then it is not the church you need to attend.  It is the preacher's job to make sure he is preaching sound doctrine every time the church comes together.  
    Christians need to take personal responsibility to make sure God is present at church.  You have to hold yourself accountable, pay attention to what is being taught, and pray for the leadership.  After you take care of yourself, then you can start helping the people in the church.  You do that by developing your spiritual gifts.  Do not fill a position just because it is empty.  It will lead to burn out, not being fulfilled, and stop the person God is convicting from stepping up.

Acts 20:28-32, 1 Corinthians 10:31-33, 1 Timothy 6:11-16, & Jude 20-23

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