Monday, July 22, 2024

God Protects the Church


    God did not save us to just leave us to fend for ourselves.  He will protect what is His.  He will protect the church.  We are sheep among wolves, but He will not allow the wolves to devour us.  If you stay in God's Word, then you will not be deceived by the wolves.
    We live in a world where people live as they like or see fit instead of learning God's standards.  That means there are more liars in the world than honest people.  Their goal is to deceive you.  They will see a Christian as gullible and an easy target, but God commands us not to be deceived.  That means learning His Word with wisdom and discernment.  Pray for abundance in what you feel that you lack.
    The wolves that we fight most often are the atheist, agnostic, humanist, and materialist.  Atheist and agnostic try to remove God from society.  Humanist make themselves god.  Materialist are just destructive by turning wealth and power into their god.  One thing they all have in common is that they try to force their ways on other people as the only way to happiness.
    You will find wolves in the church.  The parable about the wheat and tares is a good example.  We want people that are not Christians in the church.  However, we can't allow them to influence how the church functions.  We are meant to be a light to them, not let them destroy us from within.
    If the church allows a unchristian person a leadership position, then the next thing we know the scripture is being perverted.  We see it in more and more churches every year where preachers turn the scripture to whatever they want to draw in people.  The result is that they are leading people astray.
    Liberalism is one method.  That is where people do not believe in the whole Bible, but only the parts that suite their lifestyle.  The Bible works as a whole.  It is just as true today as it was when it was written.  If you don't like what is written, then you need to work it out in prayer and facing it.
    Church is not a show.  It is declaring the truth in a way that crowds can understand it and hopefully relate.  The Bible is an old book, but it is just as relative to today as when it was written.  It is controversial, so you need leadership that will be willing to be controversial and never compromise on God's Word.  In return, God will protect His flock.

Matthew 10:16-20, Acts 20:28-35, Romans 8:26-30, Ephesians 5:6-9, & Revelations 2:2-7

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