Monday, July 1, 2024

God's Canon


    God's Canon is the sacred collection of God's Books placed in one location, the Bible.  It is the basis for Judaism and Christianity.  It holds the authority of God and is inspired by God.  It is broken down by origin, law, history, poetry, wisdom, prophetic, gospel, building the church, inspiration, and the ending of it all.
    The point of the canons are to point you toward Jesus.  He is the only one that can lead people out of the bondage of sin.  It is a sacrificial system because no one is every going to be good enough to have what God is offering, but Jesus offers it freely anyway.
    There are 12 books based on prophesy.  They are designated to describing what Jesus' life would be like as a human and what will still come.  The Bible is full of life and death, but the point is how you live your life.  Are you choosing your own path or are you seeking freedom in a relationship with God.  The Bible is extremely specific.  You can find the answers to any life situation if you look.
    Revelations is the last prophetic book written by John.  It is the last book of events that have yet to happen.  It tries to prepare us, but there are still so many mysteries.  It does point out how none of us are worthy of heaven, but if you choose to follow Jesus faithfully, then you will live eternity there.  Jesus is the only one that is worthy.  He is the one that will start the end of time and set all the final judgments.  He holds the keys to Heaven.
    Open your mind.  Think about things with a new perspective.  Pray, study, and meditate God's Word to seek to understand Jesus.  Open your eyes.  He is offering a real relationship.  Your heart and soul can hold the key that He is offering.  You just have to accept it.

Luke 24:44-49, Colossians 4:16, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, & Revelations 5:4-10

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