Saturday, July 13, 2024

Marriage Is Complicated Part 2


    Marriage needs God to be strong.  It starts with you as an individual putting on the armor of God when you wake up.  Then you have to choose to love your spouse and family that day.  The shield of faith is what will protect you from Satan's attacks.  If you do it God's way, then your marriage will work.  If you fight God, then you are going to have a troubled marriage.
    Satan has a flawless way of twisting the truth to make his lies sound so appealing.  It is a lie to intentionally omit parts of the truth.  It is called lying by omission.  It is the most manipulative because most people don't see it as wrong.  It makes the lie look and sound innocent and good, but it baits people to be manipulated.  Satan loves this type of lie because it destroyed trust, love, and innocence.
    Marriage is a relationship that hold far more value than any other relationship, including your children and other family.  The truth is, if you focus on loving each other the way God loves you, then loving and caring for your children and family will be easier.  You will not need to choose your children or parents over your marriage because you will be an united pair.
    Marriage God's way holds safety, security, and strength because you don't have to have doubts, insecurities, or selfishness.  In the marriage, the man is the spiritual leader.  He is to love his wife the way God loves.  The wife is to follow your husband's lead.  She brings the softness to the relationship.  If she chooses to do it God's way, then the marriage will hold joy through submission.
    Together the married couple are protected from temptation, lies, and manipulation.  They are transparent, emotionally naked, and honest with each other.  If couples can do that, then it makes it a lot harder for Satan to destroy them.  If they do not, then they defraud each other by setting the partner up for failure.
    Sin will never lead you to fulfillment in life.  Instead you will find failure, shame, and the blame game.  You may be able to keep up the outward appearance, but it will take a lot of you energy.  It will cause you to pull away from people and hide.  It is better to do it God's way even if it is not easier.  
    God set the hierarchy: husband, then wife, then children.  He set it for life too: family, then work; boss, then employee; and so on.  Blame only shift the responsibility onto someone else, but God is never deceived.  Face him, then face the consequences for listening to Satan, then move on.

Job 31:33-34, Mark 10:5-12, Ephesians 6:10-18, & 1 John 2:15-17

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