Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Truth of Jesus


    Paul wrote a letter to the Roman Christians to expound on the truth of Jesus.  It is the book of Romans.  It was added to the Bible because of it's doctrine of justification.  It exalts Jesus and his work to redirect us from our justifications and pride to seeing our need for Jesus.
    We are all sinners.  Some are sinners that have not accepted Jesus and some are Christians sinners, but no one is perfect. Sin is when you break the smallest aspect of God's laws.  We are born with a sinful nature.  Our sinful nature is your heart condition of wanting things your way no matter the cost.  
    Sin reveals itself in all sorts of ways.  There is inherited sin where we are born with an inclination for a certain sin like rage, gluttony, and more.  It is a sin that has it's roots in you before you even know what sin is.  It is a sin that is passed from one generation to another.  It is very hard to break even when you are a Christian.  Overcoming inherited sin takes time, self-control, and prayer.  
    Others are learned by family, society, and pride.  Some may not seem like sin until the Holy Spirit reveals it to you.  Then others you know are sin, but you want what you want.  It comes down to the fact that you either accept sin is sin or you do not.  Change will not come until you believe it is a sin.
    Adam was the first man to sin.  He didn't have to teach his kids how to sin.  It came naturally, but children do watch their parents are likely to pick up habits very young.  The problem is never dealing with the bad habits, so we choose sin over God's protection.  
    God will not be in the presence of sin.  If you choose sin over your relationship with God, then you are turning your back on God.  He never turned His back on you.  If you want to see God's Glory, then you have to turn to Jesus.  You will never be able to live up to God's standards on your own.  You need Jesus to discover righteousness.  
    Jesus hates sin, but he loves all us sinners.  We have to learn how to hate the sin, but still love the person.  We may be able to do that, but we do not know how to live that out.  Jesus will show you how if you let him.  
    We show them love by calling out their sin for what it is: evil that leads to death.  Then we try to show them a different way.  We introduce them to Jesus if they don't know them.  If they are a Christian, then they should be able to see the truth no matter how much it stings and turn back to Jesus.  We do this because Jesus is the only way to salvation.  This is what he became human for: show us we are sinful, show us a new way to live, and guide us to heaven.

John 14:6-7, Romans 3:21-31, 6:23, 1 Corinthians 15:45-49, & Hebrews 2:16-18

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