Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Corrupt Politicians


    Do you know when a politician is corrupt.  Is our society so corrupt itself that we can't tell the difference between a corrupt politician and a politician with integrity?  There are certain things to look for and listen to.  When it comes to electing or supporting a politician, you need to make sure you find one that lives out integrity.
    When a politician wants money for justice, then they are corrupt.  Bribes are just the top of the ice berg of corruption that will destroy the integrity of a nation or sector of the government.  It makes it where the people can't trust their leaders.  It can make people feel unsafe, angry, and defeated.  It is wrong, but how can we fight against the people that feel untouchable?
    Pray for the politicians.  Pray over the politicians before you elect or vote for them.  Take the time to listen and learn about the elected people before voting to make sure you vote for the one that stands closest to God's Word.  Corruption only brings God's wrath, so seek to serve God in whom you vote for.  If you vote for someone that rejects Jesus, then you are enhancing the corruption.
    A corrupt politician will do nothing and allow bad things to happen to enhance their own career.  They only care about themselves.  They do not care about the people that are hurt in the process.  They turn a blind eye, so that they don't have to see it and get more comfortable.  Life may be good for them right now, but they will eventually loose it all.  They will face judgment for their corruption.
    Live out your convictions.  Not making a choice is making a choice.  Do not let the pressures of the world or political games influence your life choices.  You will be answering to God one day and He is the only one you need to worry about being unhappy with you.  Live a life of integrity and service to God.  He will bless that life, so do not fear what you can't control.
    Seek humility, so that you are aware of spiritual attacks.  Corruption opens the door wide for evil spiritual influence.  The evil will make money and power appealing.  It will make you feel like you have plenty of time when you have actually have no time to waste.  
    The time is now to speak up and fight for righteousness.  Don't be burdened, but seek God and never stop praying over the political situation.  God is never far.  He is aware.  He will not allow evil to reign forever.  Pray for the corrupt leaders, so that they may find salvation.

Proverbs 27:4-6, Acts 24:22-27, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, & 1 John 3:16-17

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