Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Presumed Guilty


    Paul was never convicted of a crime, but he was held in prison which made people presume his guilt.  Christians are presumed guilty of made up sins against the world.  The world wants to see Christians punished for following Christ.  We can't change them, but how we handle the situations makes a difference for your life.  You can't change hateful or selfish people, but you can pray for them.
    There is a difference between theology and government, but in Heaven it will all be one.  You can have all the knowledge and still not understand.  Without faith it will never make sense.  The world wants to keep the church and government separate.  The Church understands the only way it will work is if they are united as one.  For the world to function the way it was designed then we all have to trust in God's direction.
    Paul was never convicted, but we was kept in a comfortable confinement for over two years.  Felix wanted Paul to bribe him to get out of jail.  Seems harmless enough, but it would be admitting guilt in a way.  Paul was innocent of all charges, so he sat in confinement serving God.  
    Felix kept him there so that he would not burn any political bridges.  Paul was a pawn in pollical game, but he did not let his position change his attitude.  Felix was scared man.  He feared making the Jews unhappy and losing his power.  He was afraid in the same way Pilot was afraid to do anything with Jesus.  However unlike Jesus, Paul was allowed to live and have liberties.  This appeased Felix's conscience.
    Felix would come to talk with Paul and hear about his faith.  Felix listened to the gospel.  Paul was not the type to water things down to make people more comfortable, so you know Felix heard the truth in it's full compacity.  Paul spoke of righteousness, self-control, and judgement.  He was trying to speak to Felix's heart.  Paul waited patiently and let people presume he was guilty because he understood the truth.  He was there to serve God's purpose.
    Felix was out of control.  He was a corrupt politician. He was married to a Jew named Drusilla, so he did already know a little about Jesus and "the Way".  He had every opportunity given him to choose to follow Jesus.  He could have be a powerful politician to change things for God's people, but he chose his own selfish path.  God was never convenient for him.

Proverbs 30:10-14, John 3:16-21, Acts 24:22-27, & Romans 3:1-20

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