Monday, August 12, 2024

Jesus and Politics


    Jesus and politics never seem to have mixed well, but the ironic part is Jesus' way is the only way that politics will ever really work.  If people do politics God's way, then there would be no corruption, discord, or division within a nation.  God needs to be allowed back in the government.  He needs to be influencing our leaders.
    Felix was a corrupt politician.  He was the governor of Judea.  He was the leader of the Jews when it came to capital punishment.  When it came to Paul he had two choices: kill Paul or listen to Paul.  He had the choice to do nothing or to accept salvation.  
    Felix enjoyed Paul's company, so he did not kill him, but he never let Paul go while he remained in his position either.  He chose to do nothing.  For two years he heard Paul's testimony, but he never made a personal decision.  He was fascinated, but never wanted his life to change.  Procrastination is the thief of time.
    Unsaved people are people who refuse to believe in Jesus.  They do not understand their need for him.  They procrastinate by pushing him away when they need to accept his authority.  They are in a committed relationship to their sin, so they don't care about what God has to offer.  
    The worst part is when they know the truth, but think they deserve to go to heaven anyway.  Self-righteousness will never get you anywhere.  It is time to stop procrastinating and see the truth for what it is.  Politicians need to take a good look at their lives and turn over their positions to Jesus' leadership.

Proverbs 21:1-4, John 17:13-19, Acts 24:22-27, 1 Timothy 2:1-7, & 1 Peter 2:15-17

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