Sunday, August 11, 2024

Persecuted for God


    Sometimes you have to walk through the pain to serve God.  Sometimes you have to endure things that you don't deserve.  Life is not easy, but never walk away from God.  He protects you from so much more than what you see.  It could always get worse and if you walk away from God, then it will on the eternal spectrum.
    Paul was accused and persecuted for being ungodly, but the truth is that he was walking closely with God.  Society was working against him, but God was working through Him.  Speaking the truth upsets people.  The values of those who follow Jesus will be attacked.  Christians suffer for not doing wrong, but rather for speaking the truth.
    God holds the keys for our eternal home.  In heaven you will have a future no matter how short your comfort may be on earth.  If you turn from God, then your eternal home will be hell where you will never experience comfort again.  Having a relationship with Jesus cause hardship, but it is a blessing.
    Paul knew how to speak for his defense.  We may not have the same background that makes us uniquely prepared to defend ourselves, but we do have the Holy Spirit who will give you the words if you will listen.  God was Paul's defense and He is ours today.  Paul spoke the truth about what he was doing in town and when he was being accused.  If we stick to the truth, then God will protects us too.
    Never stop worshipping Jesus through the persecution.  Do not allow your relationship to become corrupt because of hardship.  Keep your head up and face what comes at you faithfully.  Never forsake following Jesus just because life would be easier.  
    Declare your faith openly.  Jesus sacrificed everything for you.  Standing with him is the least we can do in return.  Confront those that persecute you by preaching the resurrection and witnessing how God has been working throughout the hard times.  Strive to live a life that will give you a clear conscience with God.  You can never really predict what people will do or how they will react.  All you can do is to choose to live faithfully.
    Do you believe in Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit?  If you do, then live a life that tells the world that you do.  Address offensive ways the way Jesus did.  Live your life by the words that you learn in the Bible like faith, honesty, humility.  Live a life of integrity no matter how hard that may be to do.

Psalm 69:29-33, Matthew 5:3-12, Acts 24:1-21, & 2 Corinthians 12:8-10

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