Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Woe vs Woo

     There are times in life where we bring misery upon ourselves.  That is when the woe comes in.  Woe is great sorrow or distress.  It is troubles that cause the sorrow.  Then, there are times when we are wooed.  To woo is to try to gain the love of someone, usually with the intent on marriage.  It can also be to seek favor or support.  Jesus is the expert on showing us what is love and how to feel loved.  However, He will allow woefulness to get messages through to us.
     Every generation is wicked, but some more so than others.  As a nation we need to seek repentance from God.  We need to expose the light on the sin of the nation and deal with it together.  The fractions that we have are destructive to any type of peace.  We have eyes.  What we allow ourselves to see will either dim our light or make it brighter.  We need to become brighter.  We need to become so bright that there is no room for darkness.   If we do not, then we are inviting the woe.
     Woe tends to occur when we allow our souls to become dirtied by hidden sin.  For example, people who tithe, but neglect to love others will be woeful.  Woe to those whom seek recognition over doing what is right because it is right.  Woe to those who neglect to care for the dying or honor those whom have passed.  Woe to those with a hard heart when enforcing the laws of man and God.  We need to see the people, not just the act or we just add to life's troubles.  Woe to those who only act out of guilt.  It is to make yourself feel better instead of actually caring about other people.  Woe to those who steal the key of knowledge.  It is truly grievous to keep people from having the opportunity to enter Heaven.  Their lost life will be on your hands.  There are other ways, but as you can see it comes down to the heart for woe and woo.

Luke 11: 29-53

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