Saturday, September 10, 2022

Gold Lampstand Vision


    Zechariah's fifth vision was of a gold lampstand.  The angel woke Zechariah and asked him what he saw.  Zechariah replied a gold lampstand and bowl on top.  There were seven lights and two olive trees with bowls on each side.  
    The lampstand with the bowl was God's Word meant for Zerubbabel, the governor.  It represented how the Holy Spirit would make things happen, not strength or might.  Zerubbabel would lay the foundation of God's temple and would see it completed.  Then the people would know God had sent him.  
    It was an overwhelming task that felt oppressive.  We know it took David and Solomon several years and a huge workforce.  Zerubbabel did not have the force or the funds.  It probably felt like a pipedream, but it was expected of him to make it happen.  The vision was meant to empower Zerubbabel, so he would not feel defeated before he began.  All things are possible when God is power behind it.
    The seven eyes was everything in the world.  They rejoice seeing Zerubabbel doing God's work.  The two trees we the anointed to serve God: Zerubbabel and Joshua.  Olive trees produce oil for the lamps, but it is also used in anointing oil.  
    This vision took supernatural insight.  Zechariah needed interpretation to be able to record it properly.  His job was important and he wanted to make sure it was done right.  How would Zerubbabel find the encouragement he needed without help?  He would never have been able to fulfill his purpose without it.  

Zechariah 4

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