Saturday, April 15, 2023



    What is ministry?  Ministry is the work that you do for God.  It is what governs how you live and treat people.  It means that you understand the truth of what it is to be Godly and you go out of your way to teach other people in whatever format that the Holy Spirit directs.
    Faith rest in the hope of eternal life based on the promises of God.  This hope is more than a wish or a desire.  It is a certainty that what God says will come to pass, but accepting that you don't have all the details.
    Elders lead the church in how to be a church.  They teach the younger people how to do ministry in a way that honors God.  That means that the elders are required to live blameless lives. They are only to have one living wife.  They run their household to direct their children to be God honoring adults.  That means that their children do not run wild or act disrespectfully.  Their children are obedient to authority.
    Overseers of the church are the deacons.  They are the righthand of their pastor, so that means sometimes it is a paid ministry unlike the elders.  Either way it is a recognized role of authority and leadership within the church.  These men are entrusted with God's work, so they are expected to live blamelessly.  This means that they are not to be overbearing, hotheaded, a drunk, violent, or dishonest.  
    Anyone with a ministry must love what is good.  They are self-controlled, hospitable, upright, holy, and disciplined.  They know how to encourage other people to find the truth for themselves.  They understand the importance to silence liars and false prophets.  
    False Prophets and rebellious leaders must be rebuked sternly and publicly if necessary because they lead people to an empty life of deadly sin.  Their business is dishonest and corrupt.  They lead through evil, lies, and lazy gluttony.   They reject the truth, so there is no reason to try to continue saving them.
    Purity breeds purity.  Just like corruption breeds corruption.  This is one of the black and white issues in life.  You can't be mostly good or mostly bad.  God only acknowledges sin and holy.  We have to protect our mind from being defiled.  Your actions define who you are.  To live in faith is to live in grace and peace in your soul and is seen by the world.  It can't be refuted.

Titus 1

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