Friday, March 22, 2024

Investing Your Life into God


    Investing your time and energy into the truth is investing into God.  God is truth.  He is the source of truth.  If you want to find the truth, then you need to invest into Him.  He will direct to the truth that will impact your life and eternity.
    If you live a life ignoring God or avoiding the truth, then your life will be ineffective.  You have to live the life that God designed for you to fulfill your purpose.  That is the only way to truly accomplish anything in life and find joy in the process.
    There are many seasons in life.  It is not just child, teen, adult, and senior.  There are many stages that people hit at different times in life.  The stages are the seasons that come with life, ups & downs, and fading into the next season (death of that season or winter).  
    In the different seasons there are different signals that come from God.  God will use different things to wake you up or keep you alert.  They are meant to build character and learn about your relationship with Him and other people.  Every season is an opportunity to learn and gain wisdom.  He is invested into you.  He just ask that you invest into Him a little too.  The more you invest into Him in each season the more your life will make sense or at least be fulfilling.
    To invest into God, you need to learn His laws so that you can understand Him better.  As a Christian you can do anything, but not everything is beneficial.  He has a purpose for every single law and it is to make your life easier, not harder.  It is human laws that place a burden upon you.  If you obey all His laws out of love more than obligation, then you are understanding Him better.
    Nothing in life last forever.  When things are bad, be persistent in your patience.  It will pass.  Life will get easier again.  When life is good enjoy it and find rest in the security of the moment.  Each transitions into the other teaching you in the journey.  Each season prepares you for the next if you are walking with God.
    Life is not stationary.  Your purpose may move in different directions.  Your task or assignments will change to keep life from being stagnant.  If you don't particularly enjoy your service right now, then put all you can into it and wait for God to change things.  He may be building your character, wisdom, or strengthening you.
    Trust that God has a purpose for your life in each season of life.  You need to be faithful and not detour from God's path for your life.  Some seasons are heavy, but that is when you build intense intimacy with God.      
    The harder life is, the more people tend to grow in their relationship with God or reject Him.  It tells the truth about your heart.  If you endure the hard times with God, then you will be rewarded.  He never abandons His people.  
    Find the pleasure in finding sensible wisdom that comes from investing your time and energy into God.  It provides blessings that will make you rich in character, love, health, and more.  You will not be misled in life by following His laws.  
    Prepare your mind by exercising self-control.  If you can invest your mind into God through self-control, then it will produce purity, grace, and obedience.  You can conquer your tongue to only produce holy.  Your words will always reflect your mind. 
    Be humble and do not trust the riches of the world.  They come and go, but God is eternal.  Do good through faith in every opportunity that arrives.  That also means invest your money into following God's path in your life.  He will provide even if the money disappears.

Psalm 1, Proverbs 10:22-23, Galatians 6:6-10,  1 Timothy 6:17-19, & 1 Peter 1:13-16

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