Friday, August 16, 2024

Storms of Life


    Life will always have storms.  Storms can be dangerous, inconvenient, or just scary.  You can face them or you can try to hide from them, but it will not keep them from coming.  If you are not careful they will take you way off course.  The only way to get through the storm intact is with God.
    There are four types of life storms.  The first is life experience.  This is normal.  Everyone faces life and has obstacles.  The only way you can't handle these storms is if you make them worst through a sinful lifestyle.  
    The second storm is disobedience.  When you disobey God, you are sinning.  If you sin, then you have to face the consequences.  These storms can cause a lot of damage and possibly your life.  If you keep challenging the storm instead of working with it (storm being God), then eventually it will take your life.
    The third storm is discipline.  God will allow storms in your life to correct you.  If you listen to His guidance, then He will also get you out of the storm in time.  These storms develop, teach, and instruct on how to live life differently.  These storms usually cause discomfort and sometimes are painful, but once you get through them, you are stronger.
    The fourth storm is other people.  These storms are uncontrollable.  When people refuse to abide wisdom and reject God, then their choices can have impact on you.  Their mistakes can cause the storm to grow to affect a large area.  
    The truth is God created this world perfectly.  It was never meant to have storms.  You were never intended to struggle the way you do.  However, once sin entered the world everything changed.  We were cursed.  Satan was cursed and the world paid the consequences.  
    Satan has power over the world.  He can cause actual storms, but God is more powerful.  He can redirect the storms.  Most of the storms that affect us are in our heart and mind.  I think about hereditary sin and Satan's reach.  If Satan can manipulate the very world to cause damage, do he have the power to manipulate people's genes to drive them to sin?  I don't have an answer, but I will be pursuing one.
    There are five ways to sink the ship in the storm.  The first is hasty decisions.  Stop, pray, and wait for the Holy Spirit to give you directions to safety.  The second is listening to worldly wisdom.  If you listen to Satan's guidance over the Holy Spirit, then you are doomed.  The third is seeking comfort over building endurance.  It makes you weak and vulnerable.  You need strength to survive the storms.  
    The fourth wrecker is following the crowd.  Be bold enough to be different.  Think for yourself.  Ask God questions and He will give you wisdom.  Just because the majority agree on something does not mean that it is right.  The final wrecker is circumstantial.  If you only see what is in front of you without seeking the big picture, then the circumstances can crush you.  Always seek to understand, so you can gain knowledge and wisdom.

Psalm 107:23-32, Matthew 8:23-27, Luke 2:49-52, Acts 27:7-12, & Romans 15:1-4

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